Past Events
Demonstration Forest Walk: Oak Management and Ecosystem Services at Antler Rock
On October 12th, 2024, community members visited one of Golden Sand RC&D's demonstration forests in Portage county. Antler Rock is one of the newest demonstration forests within the program, and the property owner, Tom Ziolkowski, led an educational walk through the property. With guest speakers Neil Peterson from Peterson Horticulture and Bo Hendrickson with USFWS, our event was jam packed with good conversation. Thank you to all partners that contributed to this event and to the weather for showcasing the vibrant fall colors!

Group Hike and Phragmites Presentation at Mosquito Hill
On October 8th, 2024, NEWIP steering committee members and community members met at Mosquito Hill Nature Center in New London. After a productive steering committee meeting, the participants enjoyed a presentation on invasive Phragmites by Valerie O'Connor from Glacierland RC&D and a group hike guided by Adam Brandt from Outagamie Parks. We had great weather and a fantastic day with everyone!

Urban Conservation and Pollinator Event
On April 12th, 2024, we gathered at the Jensen Center in Amherst to enjoy some speakers and food from Ambrosia's. The presenters included Erin Richards and Danny Werachowski from Golden Sands RC&D and Giving Gardens, Neil Peterson from Peterson Horticulture, John Sheffy from Liberation Farms, Forrest Fleishauer from Produce Point, and Maria Lefevere-Knusta and Josh Suenkel with NRCS. These speakers talked about pollinator habitat and urban farming. This event was enjoyed by members of the community and NEWIP partners!

Natural Resources Foundation Field Trip #96 - Emmons Creek Barrens SNA: Natives, Invasives, & Karner Blues
On June 9, 2023, NEWIP held a field trip in collaboration with the Natural Resources Foundation. The NRF organizes hundreds of field trips that are hosted by other organizations, like NEWIP. This year, NEWIP held the event at the Emmons Creek Barrens State Natural Area with a focus on native plants, invasive plants, and the federally endangered karner blue butterfly. 20 people participated and we hit the natural area at just the right time. We saw lots of invasive species, native flowers blooming like the native lupine, and we also saw lots of karner blue butterflies! This was a very successful field trip and there will likely be more in the future.

Camp Cleghorn Invasive Species Education Day
Attendees gathered at Camp Cleghorn on Saturday, May 21, 2022 to learn about invasive species, how to identify them, how to report them, and how to control them. Jacob Fluur, NEWIP Coordinator, had a presentation on the topics above and samples of some of the invasive species were gathered to pass around at this presentation. After the presentation, attendees got to go out onto the camp and identify the invasive species in the field. After lunch, everyone went out and were taught how to control the invasive plants and continued to control them for the rest of the event.

Forest Invasive Plant Field Day
Attendees gathered on August 7th, 2021 to learn about forest management and forest invasive plants. Ben Baumgart, DNR forester, presented on forest management plans and why we control invasive plants. Hannah Butkiewicz, executive director of Golden Sands RC&D, presented on the Cooperating for Woods and Wildlife project, which connects nearby landowners to form Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) cooperatives. Private consultant Anthony Rynish shared information about the services his company offers. Asa Plonsky, NEWIP coordinator, presented on forest invasive plant identification, control, and cost-share programs. After lunch, there was a property walk and additional discussion.

This event was sponsored by Wick Habitat Services LLC and Rynish Forestry Inc.
Funding was also provided by the Wisconsin DNR Private Forest Grant Program
Mosquito Hill Volunteer Workday
On May 8th, 2021, NEWIP held a volunteer workday at Mosquito Hill Nature Center in New London. Volunteers learned about and removed invasive plants including garlic mustard, buckthorn, autumn olive, and honeysuckle. Volunteers also got experience using special pulling tools.