Claire Harwood
NEWIP Coordinator
Claire is a recent graduate of UW-Stevens Point. She obtained a BS in wildlife ecology and management with a minor in soil sciences and wetlands. Claire has experience with native landscaping, crop scouting, and environmental education. She works with the Steering Committee to prioritize NEWIP goals.
Contact Claire at claire.harwood@goldensandsrcd.org
or 715-343-6215 x707
Steering Committee Members

Kevin Corbett
Brown County
Kevin works in the Brown County Land & Water Conservation Department. The Land & Water Conservation Department is involved in a number of activities directed at water quality improvement, soil erosion control, wildlife damage, and public awareness.

Chris Acy
Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance
Chris is an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Coordinator with the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance. He assists local groups with AIS monitoring, outreach, and education activities while also coordinating the Clean Boats Clean Waters activities in the Winnebago Waterways. Chris graduated from Lawrence University in 2015 with degrees in Biology and Music before getting his Masters in 2017 at the University of Oklahoma.

Mike Arce
Oneida Nation
Mike Arce is an Environmental Specialist with Oneida Nation Environmental Health & Safety, where he works to preserve and restore the environment and natural resources. Some of this work involves controlling invasive species including phragmites. Mike graduated from UW-Green Bay with a degree in Environmental Policy & Planning.

Jennifer Glad
Golden Sands RC&D (Fiscal Agent)
Jennifer is the Executive Director of Golden Sands Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc. Golden Sands RC&D manages the financial and administrative aspects of NEWIP.

Matt Giese
Individual/Someday Farms
Matt is a graduate of UW-Green Bay with a degree in Environmental Science. Matt is a rancher and owns Midwest Chemical and Equipment, a company that supplies wastewater treatment chemicals. He uses goats to control invasive and nuisance plants and improve water quality.

Laura Colbert
Waupaca County
Laura is the Parks and Rec Director of the Waupaca County Parks and Recreation Department. She has been in this role for 2 years with previous experience in public speaking and consulting.

Shannon Davis-Foust
Wild Ones Fox Valley/UWO
Shannon has experience conducting field research and outreach projects in the Fox Valley/Winnebago area having worked as a technician for the Wisconsin DNR for 12 years and a Clean Boats Clean Waters outreach program coordinator for the Winnebago system. She has been serving on the Board of Directors for the Wild Ones Fox Valley Chapter since 2010.

Alix Bjorklund-Patil
Winnebago County
Alix works for the Winnebago County Land and Water Conservation Department as a Conservation Technician. She has been in this role for two years after coordinating the Timberland Invasives Partnership (TIP).​
Adam Brandt
Outagamie County
​Adam is the Park Ranger at Mosquito Hill Nature Center through Outagamie County. In this role, Adam oversees the park's maintenance and habitat management.